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New Year, Old You?
Not this time!

If you want to make 2022 your best year yet, CLICK ON THE VIDEO and watch this special presentation I have prepared for you.

This video is for you if:

  • You have precise goals but struggle with changing your behavior to reach them
  • You started executing a plan but lost your drive after falling back into old bad habits
  • You’re trapped feeling like a failure and think achieving your goals is impossible
  • You realize that you have great potential but don’t know how to access it
  • You’ve made wrong decisions in the past that you believe you can’t recover from
  • Your life turned out to be way harder than you ever thought possible

If you identified with one or more statements above, I have some news for you! The reason why you feel stuck is because:

  • You have subconscious programming and subconscious beliefs that are hindering your potential
  • You have emotional wounds and energetic blocks that are interfering with your mental performance
  • You have unhealthy habits and routines that are working against your desire to thrive in life


The problem is NOT that your willpower to achieve your goals is not strong enough. 

The problem is that there is huge resistance standing on your way. It’s your own resistance that is slowing you down.


Because if you don’t get this resistance out of your way, you will get burn out and worn out!

And as a result of that, your fulfillment and personal realization might not happen in this lifetime.


That’s why I’ve prepared a ROADMAP based on proven quantum physics concepts for upgrading your mindset …

You can learn about field-tested science behind changing your mindset (and implement it step-by-step to change your life)

In fact, before you even get started, I’d like to PROVE that it works – so you won’t have to take the leap of faith before trying it out…

There is enough knowledge in the scientific community that scientifically explains how our brain works at a quantum level.

And the results of this field of physics are outstandingly encouraging to our SELF-EMPOWERMENT.

Yet even though this knowledge has been available for decades, no one seems to know about it or even mention it…


Because if you knew about the laws of quantum physics and used them to empower yourself, well… that wouldn’t serve the system.


Like you, I used to be skeptical about all these abstract spiritual concepts…

But inspired by a sudden realization that links some weird scientific discoveries on the field of quantum physics to how our brain is wired to function, I applied a ground-breaking, practical twist to my thinking.

I found out how to actually reprogram my subconscious mind to work for me, instead of working against me. And You can do it too…

This method enables you to:

Develop multi-focus assessment of reality;
Re-code your mental programming with subconscious instructions that will serve you better;
Increase your resilience and decrease your levels of stress and anxiety;
Experience effortless vibrational and energetic alignment, so you can experience internal fulfillment;


  • Get the complete step-by-step mental roadmap that guides you on the process of understanding your inner-reality, so you can transcend beyond your limitations and fears and live your life in plenitude
  • Take your power back with the clear realization that you are the center of your universe and the creator of your own reality!
  • Get access to scientifically proven information that will feed your mind with healthier thought patterns that will inspire you, instead of sabotaging you;
  • Learn how to consciously access flow state as an alternative state of consciousness to boost your achievements and get things done;
  • Learn how to exponentially expand the power and the potential of your mind;
  • Build the best version of yourself by learning how to shift your perception of reality;
  • Understand once and for all how you can practically apply the mind-blowing discoveries from quantum physics to better shape your reality as you see fit;


We know you’ll love our method as much as dozens of our clients do. But if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with our method, just return it within 07 days and we’ll issue you a full refund.


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A lot is going on that we're completely unaware of…

Your brain shows you ONLY the things it considers necessary for your survival. 

Unfortunately for most of us, that's all our brains accomplish for us… bare survival. 

The goal of this module is to lay the groundwork for shifting your perception to a consciousness that will let you THRIVE.

You'll learn about: 

• The four bodies you need to stay aware of to align your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions - so you can manifest real abundance. 

• The 3 big "WHYs": Why do you think the way you think? Why do you feel the way you feel? Why do you act the way you act? 

• How the misalignment of the four bodies can cause you daily suffering that you’re not even aware of.

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Module 2: PROOF

Your brain requires a RATIONAL REASON to change the way it perceives its reality.

To put it simply:

You can change your mindset only if you believe in what you're doing.

That's why I won't ask you to suspend your natural curiosity and thirst for truth.

No faith required – this section is all about scientific facts:

• How the traditional Newtonian laws of physics have been shaping your current perception of reality, without you even being aware of it.

• How to learn to decode reality using the framework of quantum physics, so that you can become the master of your life.

• How quantum physics PROVES that your consciousness manifests everything you're experiencing right now.

Many people say that the information I share in module 2 is worth the investment in the whole course, because all the complicated major discovers in the quantum physics field is explained in a simple and straight-to-the-point manner. This module connects this remarkable scientific knowledge to your day-to-day life! You cannot find this information anywhere else.

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Once you're aware of how your mind works, you will need to clear away the beliefs, low vibrational energy, habits, and behaviors that are getting you stuck.

You'll get the chance to review and deconstruct your frozen and outdated worldview and make a conscious choice on which aspects of your personality you'd like to cultivate - and which ones you want to eliminate.

The third module is designed to help you:

• Define habits you'd like to adopt and ones you would like to ditch, so you can achieve your financial, personal, and health-related goals. 

• Become aware of limiting beliefs that are keeping you from taking action and experiencing true prosperity.

• Eliminate behaviors which are constantly sabotaging your efforts – become productive, motivated, and full of energy.

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Module 4: UPGRADE

This is where everything comes together. It's time to define WHO you want to become… It’s time to design the best version of yourself and embody your chosen version, RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW!

Now that:

• You have understood the interaction between the four aspects of your being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

• You have acquired knowledge of the laws of quantum physics and you have reshaped the way you view your thought process, your feelings, your potential, and your reality. 

• You have taken action and cleared, deconstructed, and decluttered old limiting beliefs that you acquired before you knew all this amazing information. 

The time has come to consciously build the best version of yourself: to your own liking! This is the most fun part of the whole process! You will become a quantum being and develop your quantum powers! 



From: US$ 297

US$ 97

*You can choose to pay in up to 02 monthly installments of LESS than 70 dollars per month. You can check our payment plans on the button below
4 COMPREHENSIVE MODULES that will take you on an inner-journey to encode a full mindset upgrade in your brain
INTENSIVE 90-DAY TRAINING that enables you to embody your best quantum version and fully live up to your full potential
BITE-SIZED DAILY LESSONS to shift into the version of yourself that efficiently and effortlessly gets things done.
LIFETIME ACCESS to our platform's members area
FULL SUPPORT during your inner-journey experience
“This course is incredibly underpriced and underrated for the value it brings”
               Peter L.
This method helped me so much after my break up. When my girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue, I felt lost and I was lacking clarity on how I could live without her. I was hurt and in pain. You made me see that I should search for the answers to my questions inside myself. I never understood what people meant when they said you need to love yourself. After going through your method, not only I finally understood it. I experienced it!
              Antonio M.
Wow, I just finished taking this course and I need to say: it completely transformed my life! All the concepts you shared from quantum physics were so easy to understand, and I cannot believe people are living their lives without being aware of the absolute power they possess in creating their best possible lives. Things are shifting fast for me, I have some momentum going and the clarity you brought to my mind about my own potential is so powerful, the best decision I have ever made was taking course. Thank you for all you have shared!
              Linda W.
                      Hong Kong
One year ago, I was unexpectedly laid off from my job. I suddenly saw myself in a situation in which I could no longer provide for my family. Debts started accumulating, and the more in debt I got, the more desperate and depressed I became. (...) I took The Holistic Mindset course, and for the first time, I started realizing, like you say in the course, that the quantum field of possibilities for my future was way broader than what my foggy mind could see. And since I understood the power of my focus in reshaping my reality, I could really start broadening my perspective, and I realized that I didn’t need to get a new job, I could work on an idea I’ve had for a long time, that was on the back of mind, and I could start an online business and be my own boss. (...) This course really helped me to rearrange and to reframe my mindset and took me from feeling like a failure all the way to my future is bright kind of mentality, and I can't thank you enough Ligia for your work and your kindness in sharing such important work with all of us.
               PIETER K.
                        The Netherlands


We know you’ll love our method as much as dozens of our clients do. But if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with our method, just return it within 07 days and we’ll issue you a full refund.